The Hellenic Confederation of Professionals, Craftsmen, and Merchants (GSEVEE) is a third-level employers' organisation across Greece and among the major national social partners. Through its participation in public dialogue it represents small-scale entrepreneurship, contributing to shape an enabling business climate in which small enterprises can grow and achieve their goals.
Who we are
GSEVEE was founded in 1919 with the aim to defend, promote, and consolidate the professional, economic, and social interests of professionals, craftsmen, and merchants of Greece. It is among the national social partners that take part in collective bargaining for the conclusion of the National General Collective Agreement (GSEE, GSEVEE, ESEE, SEV, SETE, SVΕ) participating as such in social dialogue.
more than
100 years
entrepreneurs registered
For more than 100 years, it continues to be the employers' organisation with the broader representativeness, with 57 local and 30 sectoral Federations-members, in which participate 1.100 first-level Associations and about 140.000 entrepreneurs registered. Dozens specialisations and professions within the secondary and tertiary sectors of the economy, such as professions in construction-building, food, vehicle repair, service provision etc., are represented by GSEVEE.
GSEVEE's long-standing presence and its leading role in collective demands and social dialogue's fora contribute to the effort for a long-lasting and stable development of small enterprises and hence to strengthening social cohesion leading to the achievement of shaping an environment of economic democracy.
Sustainable development, economic democracy, and social cohesion with small enterprises at the forefront
GSEVEE incorporates:
The institutional role of GSEVEE
GSEVEE participates in public dialogue representing small enterprises with the objective of increase in employment, social solidarity and cohesion, equality in opportunities, and shaping an environment fit for the operation of small and medium-sized enterprises. To this end it:

Takes part as one of the national social partners (GSEE, GSEVEE, ESEE, SEV, SETE, SVE) in the collective bargaining for the conclusion of the National General Collective Agreement.
Promotes its positions on crucial contemporary issues and gives its opinion on laws, circulars, and decrees through the acknowledged high-level research work carried out.
Actively participates through its representatives in significant committees, bodies, and organisations such as OAED (“Manpower Employment Organisation”), the Mechanism Setting the Minimum Wage, the Supreme Council for Labour, the Economic and Social Council.
At the same time, it develops and enhances a cooperative, representative, and collective spirit shaping through its action a social space of solidarity, cooperativity, democracy, and social responsibility for the people of small and medium-sized entrepreneurship.
Which are the challenges
GSEVEE's bodies
Establishment of the Employers' Guilds and Associations Union of Greece
The Employers' Guilds and Associations Union is founded with Alexandros Zamichas its first president.
The first big shut-down
The first big shut-down of professionals and craftsmen takes place, with Georgios Geraldis, Michalis Kontos, and KodrosBenoukas getting killed.
Establishment of TEVE (Social Security Fund of Professionals and Craftsmen of Greece)
In October 1934, TEVE is founded under the Law 6364.
The first woman representative
In March 1936 for the first time in Greece a woman is elected as president in Confectioners' Association of Athens.
During the German occupation of the country, GSEVEE gets inactivated.
The first woman in the Administrative Council of GSEVEE
Aglaia Papaoikonomou is the first woman to be elected in the Administrative Council of GSEVEE.
Administrative services
Ms Eleni Lioliou
210 3800646, 210 3816600 εσ. 605
210 3800649
Ms Eleni Marathokampiti
210 3800646 210 3816600 εσ.603