Working relations and the social security system constitute fundamental components of the economic and social environment and therefore, are permanent...
The source of concern
The Greek economy has endured a prolonged period of consecutive crises in the last fifteen (15) years. The decennial financial crisis was followed by the health crisis, which was, in its turn, followed by the energy crisis and geopolitical upheavals. In this period major changes took place, both in working relations and the social security system, that were not generated through a substantial social debate as the institutional role of social agents was downgraded through a series of interventions. Free collective bargaining has been limited, culminating in the wage setting system intervention that focused on excluding social agents from the chance to determine the minimum wage via EGSSE. Moreover, the pandemic, apart from its economic and social consequences, functioned as a digital economy accelerator too. The extensive use of remote working, the formation of a new working environment, the vast increase of digital commerce and the development of the digital platforms’ economy constitute prominent examples of the changes that took place during the pandemic, and which have created a new field demanding systematic monitoring and regulation.
GSEVEE’s mediation
Η ΓΣΕΒΕΕ, αντιλαμβανόμενη τη σημασία και την ένταση με την οποία τίθενται τα ζητήματα που αφορούν στην κοινωνική πολιτική, επιδιώκει την ουσιαστική και επιστημονικά τεκμηριωμένη συμμετοχή της στον κοινωνικό διάλογο, επικεντρώνοντας στους παρακάτω βασικούς άξονες.
Working relations
GSEVEE’s firm position was and remains the necessity to reestablish the responsibility of social partners to designate the minimum wage through the National General Collective Labour Agreement (EGSSE), which defines, to a large extent, working relations. The minimum wage increase should not be the object of the government’s unilateral decision because salary increases affect the economy. That means that the debate on the definition of the minimum wage should be the outcome of social partners’ collective bargaining. The definition mechanism of minimum wage (L. 4172.2013), which replaced social dialogue, would be particularly beneficial on the condition that it would constitute a tool in the hands of social partners. Moreover, and considering that the crucial cost and competition factors of Greek economy cannot be designated and regulated as a whole by the social partners as they directly depend on governmental-state policies each time, social dialogue concerning the designation of minimum wage could include the government as well as an equivalent social partner, thus transforming the dialogical process from being bilateral to trilateral. In this framework, apart from the wage limit, issues of major importance would be considered too as for instance the social security system and taxation policies. That would bridge the gap that widened during the decennial economic crisis between the state and the productive agents and would, in parallel, reinforce social dialogue as the basic principle of the European Pillar for Social Rights. Among the long-standing demands of the Confederation is the codification of labour and insurance legislation as well as the substantial extension of the benefits that are included in the Old Accounts of the former OAEE (concerning unemployment or professional hubs) that are kept in the former OAED.
Employment policies
Strengthening the institutional role of social partners by means of reestablishing their position in the institutions that implementemployment policiesremains a permanent stance of GSEVEE. Another crucial aspect is to provide the social partners with the possibility to participate in the planning of respective policies. Furthermore, the planning and applying of a sound institutional family policy in order to cope with the demographic problem is considered nowadays more indispensable than ever.
Social security
Considering the increase of funding for the social security system as well as the settlement of a high number of small enterprises’ overdue contributions to the former OAEE (1 in 4 according to the recent economic climate research of IME GSEVEE), it is absolutely crucial to create a permanent system that regulates contributions to social security funds. Such a step would “freeze” overdue contributions and would facilitate their transference to a later phase of the insurance appropriate either for repurchase or abstraction from the insurance time. Widening the social security base through an increase in employment constitutes an exceptionally important factor for the sustainable development of the Greek economy. Such development entails, in parallel, the strengthening of entrepreneurial activity. Another significant demand is the reestablishment of the separate representation of GSEVEE in the Administrative Board and the Committees of e-EFKA so that the representatives of employees, employers and freelancers, who sponsor SKA and are the actual beneficiaries, have the right to actively participate in the administration boards, decision-making and the accountability procedures of e-EFKA.
Safety and hygiene
Knowledge strengthening, both for employers and employees, for a fully safe and efficient work environment and entrepreneurial action also remains a firm commitment of GSEVEE. Maintaining safety and hygiene in workplaces does not only constitute a fundamental support to the resourceful function of each unit. It also signifies the unit’s levels of social sensitivity, entrepreneurial responsibility and sustainable development.
The Confederation always maintains that a sustainable, fair and stable taxation system should be sensibly applied because it safeguards the proper function of small entrepreneurship and allows for its expansion.
GSEVEE is always present during the implementation and monitoring of enterprises’ licensing framework, taking into consideration the unhindered function and development of entrepreneurship and the application of safety, hygiene and environmental rules.
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